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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The Latin name for the tiger is: Panthera Tigris ; from the feline, carnivore and mammal family. The biggest and most powerful of the felines.

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There are 8 subspecies of tiger . The size of a tiger as well as its coat varies from one individual to another, but also from one subspecies to another. The Siberian tiger is the most impressive of all.

For example, a male tiger from Indonesia measures and weighs around 2.40m long with the tail weighing 150kg. A male Siberian tiger will be long with a tail of about 3m and can reach over 300kg.

Tigers have a tan coat with black stripes. The part of its inner body, legs, throat and jaw are white.

The tiger howls, its cry is called the howl. When a tiger roars you can hear it for miles. The tiger, like the cat, purrs.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

-The Siberian tiger ( endangered species ) . It is the largest of the tigers and the largest of the felines in the world. He lives in Russia, Northeast China and North Korea. He is poached for the same reasons as his Chinese neighbor (the traditional Chinese pharmacopoeia which grants him multiple virtues; all as stupid as each other. Human stupidity is limitless. The Russian government protects its tigers and has set up great means to protect and save its tigers in the wild. Human life and that of the tiger are closely linked because the tiger plays a most important role for our planet, just like the bees. Poaching is severely punished , its habitat is protected. The Siberian tiger is now under high protection but the work is long and the temptations are great for the poachers. The efforts of the government, the scientists, the men and women who fight to protect it are rewarded. The tiger population is on the rise. We must continue our fight for its protection because despite everything the Amur tiger is still threatened.

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- The Bali tiger (extinct species) . He was the smallest of the tigers. He lived on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Hunting is the cause of its disappearance. The extermination of this species dates from the 1930s.

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-The Java tiger (extinct species) . He also lived in Indonesia on the island of java. It was exterminated in the 1980s by hunting and the destruction of its habitat.

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-The Caspian tiger (extinct species) . He lived in Russia, Mongolia, Iran, Afghanistan and eastern Turkey. It disappeared in the 1970s. Its disappearance is due to human activity: deforestation and intensive hunting.

-The Sumatran tiger (critically endangered species) . It is the smallest tiger alive today. He lives only on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. But the island is no longer populated and the tiger is running out of space.

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-The Bengal tiger (endangered species) . It is the most widespread subspecies. He lives in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. In India because of hunting, often for the sole pleasure of having a trophy, the tiger population has dropped from 40,000 to 800 specimens. In 1973 the Indian government with the support of WWF launched "Operation Tiger" India and WWF created several reserves. It is estimated today that the tigers would number from 3500 to 4000 in freedom. The Bengal tiger population is the largest of the subspecies. India understood the importance of saving its tigers in the wild.

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-The Chinese tiger (critically endangered species) . He lives in the mountain forests of southern China. It was declared harmful by the Chinese government of Maho Tse-Tung. This declaration led to a veritable massacre. It is very popular with furriers. Today the number of tigers in the wild is said to be 20 individuals and 60 living in zoos. Their chance of breeding in the wild is slim. He is still the prey of poachers who feed the traditional Chinese pharmacopoeia. The Chinese government is now trying to save its last specimens.

-The Malaysian tiger (endangered species) . This subspecies was discovered in 2004. It lives in Malaysia

The white tiger is not a species of Siberian tiger as one might think. The color of its coat is due to a genetic defect is called leucistism or leucism: is a genetic peculiarity due to a recessive gene, which gives a white color to the coat or feather (the eyes remain their normal color, unlike albinos) . White tigers are therefore not albino specimens, which in turn have no stripes and rather clear eyes, an appearance due in this case to another genetic mutation, albinism.

The majority of captive white tigers are descendants of Mohan, a wild Bengal tiger captured in the 1950s. Mohan was born in Bandhavgarh Forest with his two or three siblings. On May 25, 1951, he was seen by a lumberjack. The next day, a beat is organized. His entire family is killed and Mohan is captured and taken in by the Maharajah. This one absolutely wanted other white tigers. He then decides to have him mate afterwards with a normal colored tigress named Begum. They had two litters, and their young were all red in color. The Maharajah was very unhappy. He then makes the white tiger mate with one of his daughters. Baby tigers are all born white. Thus began the myth of the white tiger as well as human stupidity. And yes because to obtain a white tiger it is necessary that a father mates with his daughter or a mother with his son.

Mohan died on September 19, 1969 at the age of 19 years and 7 months. It was stuffed and exhibited in the private museum of the Maharajah.

The captive white tigers all originated from the same male individual, Mohan, who passed on his genes through different matings. As a result, consanguinity within his descendants is very high and leads to serious malformations from birth.

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The golden tiger: less known and rarer than the white tiger. For the same reasons as the white tiger its appearance is due to a rare genetic mutation. The golden tiger also bears the brunt of the

consanguinity. It is larger than the Bengal tiger and probably crossed with the Siberian tiger.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Tiger Species: Subspecies
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