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A species to protect

it is essential to safeguard and protect the Siberian Tigers who play the leading role in this ecosystem; of the fact that having no predators; the Amur tiger is the first in the food chain and if this chain breaks, then we are facing a huge ecological disaster.

Introducing my friend

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The tiger is the biggest wild feline, it's also the biggest predator on land.

This feline has a body longer than that of the lion.

The measurements of the tiger vary greatly from one species to another. A male Sumatran tiger will weigh no more than 140 kg for 2.3 meters long, while a Siberian tiger can reach 300 kg for 3.3 meters long.

The height at the withers of the tiger can also vary from 0.85 to 1 meter, its total length with the tail from 2 to 3.7 meters and its weight from 65 to 300 kg. The record weight is 384kg for a Siberian tiger shot in 1950.

The tiger's canines are the longest of all present felines; they can reach a length of 9 centimeters. Its claws can measure up to 10 cm.

The stripes of black color are more or less abundant. They are different from one animal to another and thus form a real identity card.

Its scratches are the equivalent of our fingerprints.

The tigress ! An extraordinary Mom.

The Tigress gives birth to 2 to 4 babies who will be blind for 10 days.

Only the female takes care of the education of the young; the male hardly ever intervenes, although he does sometimes share prey with the tigress and its offspring.

The tigress does not let anyone approach her young! Be careful if you venture there!

The tigress shows tenderness, affection and exceptional patience with her young.

An example that some humans could follow.

The tigress does not let her litter touch meat before the age of forty days; she then urges them to lick and nibble on her and they are completely weaned at the age of eight months.

Young tigers stay with their mothers to learn to hunt until they are eighteen to twenty-eight months old.

They learn to hunt by observing their mother. They have fun tracking and killing dangerous prey, such as the buffalo. Between six and eight months, the youngsters explore the terrain and stalk small animals: they are generally birds, but they sometimes attack small deer by grouping together.

At that age, they never stray more than a hundred yards from the mother.

Around one year, tigons are able to hunt on their own.

the tiger is hunting

The tiger generally hunts at night.

Its night vision is 5 times higher than that of humans. He is endowed with extraordinary hearing and smell.

His reputation is that of a formidable hunter, capable of attacking any animal in the Taiga. Nothing frightens him; not even bears. His jaw is so powerful that he can crush a boar's skull with one blow like a common chicken bone.

The tiger knows how to be silent and put its paws carefully so as not to be heard. He may be a few meters from us without us seeing him.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

How many teeth does a tiger have?

The tiger has typical carnivorous teeth.

Like all felines (except lynx which have 2 less), it has 30 teeth distributed as follows: 12 incisors, 4 canines, 10 premolars and 4 molars. It is its canines, or fangs, which it uses to kill its prey.

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